Religions, countries and kings

Historically these were (mostly) men made institutions. Tools of power and control.

Ancient cultures of beauty, artistry and creation were matriarchal. Our main matriarch being Mother Earth or Pachamama. Cultures; which were balanced, advanced and peaceful, such as the Toltecs; did not stand the chance against warlike tribes, nations, religions etc. We cannot even ask them where they went “wrong”, since they were wiped out or taken over.

In our world, on our way to the light, either as moths to be burned up or as ascending peaceful beings, we have to reassess everything we believe or accept, as the universe changes. Who made up the countries, such as the United States of America, Brazil, the Soviet Union, Israel, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom? Was it with the consent of the people, who were already living here? Was it beneficial to all whom it affected? The founding fathers (men again) were overwhelmingly responsible for the creating of countries, religions and especially kings.

Source: Steven Edmonds @ Flicker

How were religions started? The Anglican religion was started by a king of England who was not allowed by the catholic pope to have a divorce. How about Buddhism? It was not the Buddha, who started it. How about the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or The Satanic Temple (who do not even believe in Satan)? They are all made up, but it’s OK, as long as we acknowledge it.

How were “holy” books written and changed over time to suit hidden agendas? The different bibles for example, changed the description of Lucifer (literally mean “Lightbringer”) from the most beautiful angel to a horned beast, which the christians modeled on pagan (ancient, pre-christian) deities such as Pan, so as to demonise pagan gods and to increase the power of christianity and the church(es).

The rulers, such as kings and popes or lately politicians, business oligarchs aka “robber barons” are also made up, from Saul through Shimon (aka Saint Peter) to Trump or Putin or Netanyahu, to Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos or Mark Zuckenberg or Sam Altman. We were being told, by their mouthpieces, these are a few, selected/chosen through covert processes, who are to be worshiped.

In 2024 (even the calendar is based on a religion) Charles Saxe-Coburg und Gotha, now known as Windsor, toured the Commonwealth, which is another made-up term, that is neither common nor has much wealth in it. His great-grandfather George V was German, but declared war on the Germans and changed his name to Windsor, hence making up a new lineage. This all led to the death of approximately 20 million humans and an unknown number of war horses to dogs and so on.

Are we getting close to having enough of man made ideas and start dreaming up of something nice for humanity? One of the Huna (Secret) principles is “Ike”, which means “we make up our own reality” and the quantum science seem to back this up. So let’s dream up a peaceful and prosperous humanity, living in harmony with Mother Earth. Then perhaps the Cosmic Community would be more comfortable making overt contact with us.

Let’s start by calling ourselves humankind.